加入ScotlandIS与CyberNorth的合作伙伴关系,度过一个激动人心的知识分享日, networking and collaboration at our ‘lunch and learn’ event in Newcastle.
Our speakers represent organisations with a footprint in Scotland and the North. They are 主题专家,他们将分享有关业务弹性的丰富知识, supply chain security, 以及ITMSP最佳实践章程, gaining momentum in Scotland, 正在塑造IT安全的未来.
The event aims to bring together MSPs, cyber companies, 以及来自安全供应链的其他专业人士,以培育网络机会, 促进挑战和最佳实践的分享.
Together, let’s 推动卓越和创新yber security and managed services community across Scotland and the North.
12.00-12.20 Registration, Tea and Coffee -热情的欢迎和网络机会
12.20-12.30 Welcome, ITMSP Cluster and Charter Update – 贝弗利·鲍尔斯,博天堂入口网络主管
Beverly将提供有关推动博天堂入口和北部IT卓越发展的最新发展和计划的更新, 包括对博天堂入口IT服务提供商最佳实践宪章的介绍.
12.30 -13.00 Building Resilience ——Debra Cairns, Net Defence公司总经理
了解加强IT基础设施抵御网络威胁的基本策略, 由在这两个地区都有足迹的主题专家提出.
13.00-13.30 Incident Management Case Study – Stewart 霍格,网络副主任 Waterstons
Gain insights from a 事件响应中的真实场景和最佳实践,由行业领导者与 expertise spanning both Scotland and the North.
13.30-14.15 Lunch
14.15-15.00 Supply Chain Security & Product Demo – Mark Lamb, Founder, Highground
探索创新的解决方案和策略,确保供应链的安全, 由一位在这两个地区都有经验的知识渊博的演讲者介绍. 观看Highground解决方案的演示,了解它如何帮助MSP组织建立弹性.
15.00-15.30 Networking
我们期待着欢迎您参加这次丰富的伙伴关系活动, 你将在哪里获得有价值的见解, forge new connections, 并为博天堂入口和纽卡斯尔社区的发展做出贡献.
In partnership with CyberNorth